Investigating the evidence
"Well those bandits that we put in jail are bound to have a score to settle with us," comments Hawk, idly picking at his nails with a dagger. "Doubt that they have the money to hire specialist help though, especially from behind bars."
"Were they assassins, or just hired swords?" Asks Avalon, "Only if they were assassins then I'm sure that there will be a formal hierarchy somewhere, and it should theoretically be possible to trace them back to whoever hired them." Everyone nods thoughtfully at this suggestion, which causes the Halfling to continue his thread of thought.
"I bet that if there is a formal band of assassins, then it will be one of the Dragonmarked Houses that controls them. Let's see, whilst House Tharashk includes bounty hunters, I think that they would lack the subtlety or tact to provide such services. The Elven houses on the other hand are shrouded un mystery and secrecy. Yes I bet Thuranni would be the house to focus on. Does anyone know much about Thuranni?"
Everyone shakes their head, giving Vaelas chance to air his own ideas.
"I'm not convinced that they were assassins, their weapons were 'mindblades', forged from sheer strength of thought. Whoever they were, they had been through some pretty rigorous psionic training; a fact that is confirmed by how resistant they were to your attempts at intimidation."
"We should not rule out the Kalashtar or Atavists in all this." Janin advises, "Even though they are said to be generally good people, who knows what extremes they will go to protect something precious to them."
"That said, I think it more likely that it is their enemies, the Quorri that were behind the attack, or the owner of the Knowledge Crystal wanting it back. Perhaps those two are even the same person."
"So, we're not really any closer to knowing who it was that attacked us?" summarises Dua. There are nods and several frustrated sighs.
Janin decides to see if a miracle granted by the Silver Flame can help shed some light on the subject. He walks out to the storage shed in the stable yard of the Horn Blowers Inn.
As he steps into the shed and closes the door behind him, several flies can just about be seen in the dim light, busily flying around the three corpses. A foul smell of death is already beginning to fill the room, and before the end of the day, the shed will no doubt stink.
Closing his eyes he stands before one of the dead sell-swords. He sprinkles a little holy water and says a prayer for the souls of the dead. He quickly follows that with a request to the Silver Flame to grant him the necromantic miracle he desires.
The familiar rush of divine power courses through him and passes onto the stiff corpse in front of him. Moments later the corpse opens its eyes and stares vacantly into space. Janin takes a shallow breath and gulps.
"What is the name of the person that ordered you to attack us?"
The divine power compels the corpse to speak. The voice, lifeless thanks to the spell merely animating the body like a puppet, sends a shiver down Janins’ spine.
Vague and awkward muses Janin, a text book response. Let's try again.
"Were you ordered to take anything specific from us?"
"Yes..." Comes the reply. Janin feels the corpse attempt to stop its reply there, but he uses the remaining divine power in the miracle to force a more thorough response.
"...we were ordered to kill you, take all your belongings and return them to our master."
The corpse falls silent and closes its eyes. Disappointed with the lack of information retrieved, Janin returns to his inn room to ponder things over.
The others, still in the inn common room soon find their attention drawn to a drunk old man that stumbles into view. He staggers around the room asking for change, before working his way over to their table.
"Spares ssome change for ale guvrnor?" The man drunkenly slurs. When all at the table have turned their eyes to look at him, his face ripples slightly in an exaggerated wink motion around one eye." Recognising the drunk as a changeling, obviously trying to speak to them covertly, Hawk orders another ale and tells the drunk to sit.
When a few moments have passed and the changeling appears to relax a little, he speaks quietly to them.
"You are being watched. My employer cannot meet you today; he will send word again tomorrow."
Gulping the ale down in a single quaff, the drunk staggers to his feet, slurs a vague word of thanks and leaves the inn.
After spending a few minutes muttering to himself and growling, Hawk abruptly stands and leaves the common room, announcing that he is going to his room for a while.
With the immediate discussion clearly at an end, and evening drawing in, Avalon, D-Ablow and Dua head out to buy some provisions and to see if they can get the magical items that they found identified.
"I think that I’ll stretch my legs too." Announces Vaelas, and leaves the common room too. He waits in the alleyway beside the inn for a few moments, to ensure that he is not being followed. Finally he cautiously approaches the stables at the rear of the Horn Blowers inn.
Night has fallen, but outside he can still see reasonably well by the light of the moons. Stepping into the stables though plunges him into almost complete darkness. He cautiously moves forward, straining to hear sound of movement, breathing, anything.
The elf feels a shiver go down his spine as a half-familiar, hissing slurring voice greets him.
"Grreetingss Vaelass of Housse Thurranni. It iss good to finally meet you in persson."
Vaelas turns to his left and is able to just about see a darkly shrouded figure stood five feet from him. He focuses his senses on the figure, but it is simply too dark for him to make out any discernable feature. He still cannot even tell what race the figure is. With so much uncertainty i his mind, he chooses to remain silent and let the dark figure lead the conversation.
"Sso Vaelass, it hass been many monthss ssince anyone in our Housse hass hearrd frrom you. Now it rreachess our collective earrss that you have embrroiled yourrsself in ssome kind of invassion consspirracy theorry. Explain to me your rreassonss for excluding yourr benevolent patrronss."
Anger boils in the forefront of Vaelas' mind. He was just beginning to believe that he had put some of his past behind him, and now he finds himself being grilled again by his supposed superiors.
"Explain myself? Pah! When I was I was abandoned after my training had been completed, I wasn't sure where I stood in relation to the House."
"Abandoned? You fled, tail betwixt yourr legss!" The dark figure accuses back.
"Huh, that's your opinion, and you weren't there." Vaelas says scowling to the darkness.
"No matterr, the passt iss behind uss, and it iss the futurre that interresstss Thurranni. Let uss corrrect thiss breakdown in rrelationss, and why don't you tell me now all you know of thiss invassion of yourrss? Incidentally that wass me that you purrssued down an alley yessterrday."
Weighing up his options, Vaelas soon reaches the conclusion that the more people who know about it the better. So he relates the tale of the map that they found, and how it led to a hidden letter and eventually a psionically charged knowledge crystal.
He tells how he used the crystal and was implanted with the details of the invasion, but how he does not have the psionic discipline to access the knowledge in a reliable matter. He also explains how the knowledge is carefully edited to remove much context and thus render it useless to most people.
When Vaelas finishes his tale the dark figure speaks.
"I posssesss pssychic powerrss farr beyond yourr comprrehenssion, I may be able to learrn ssomething frrom thiss knowledge crrysstal, go get it and let me examine it."
Reluctantly, Vaelas reaches slowly into his backpack and brings out the large crystal. The miniscule veins glowing deep within it cause it to glow slightly. A series of brightly sparkling lights appear between the two conversationists, causing Vaelas to squint and avert his gaze slightly. He recognises the lights as the manifestation of a psionic power and remains calm.
Vaelas tries to use the lights to gain more detail of the dark figure. Unfortunately though the lights disrupted his nightvision to the point where he could see little until they had faded too much.
The figure stoops and appears to study the crystal for nearly two minutes before he straightens and speaks again.
"Interressting. I sshall take thiss to our massterrss for theirr perrussal."
"I can't let you do that." Vaelas replies, unsure of the reaction he will get. "The knowledge contained in this crystal is better off in the public domain. Having the knowledge hidden away in one single house is not in the best interests of everyone."
There is a sharp hissing noise from the figure, reminiscent of a sharp intake of breath.
"I am your ssuperriorr you rrealisse? Thiss iss inssuborrdination and there will be rreperrcussssionss."
"Tough." Says Vaelas trying not to smirk over the difficulty the figure had pronouncing his last word.
A stony silence rises and lasts for several awkward moments before the dark shrouded figure breaks it.
"Ourr meeting iss at an end, you may leave."
Vaelas turns to leave, but asks a final question before doing so.
"Do you know who our attackers were?"
"Pawnss in a game, put in play by the ownerrss of the crrysstal no doubt. Pawnss in a game, like uss all."
Trying his best not to shudder, Vaelas leaves the stable and heads back into the inn. He sees Janin sat alone at a table, and decides that it is time to share a bit more honesty with his travelling companions.
"Janin, can I have a word in private? There's something I think you should know."
Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Janin leads Vaelas upstairs to his room. Once there Vaelas confides in the Silver Flame Cleric that he is a member of house Thuranni, and describes in detail the meeting he has just had.
"Why the secrecy? Why not tell us all this when we first met?" asks Janin. Vaelas shrugs.
"It's part of the way the House operates. We're trained to be secretive and a little untrusting. Plus there are those that would try and use me, manipulate me, and I prefer to keep things straight forward."
Janin nods solemnly.
"Well, I applaud your decision to hold onto the knowledge crystal. Thuranni have no right to it, and it is hopefully better off in our hands. I just hope that you don't have any major repercussions from the decision."
With little more to say, they return to the common room and spend the rest of the evening talking of different matters. They all retire for the evening and sleep well.
The next morning all our heroes are busy having breakfast when an official looking messenger turns up. Avalon, who has been spending some time researching the Dragonmarked Houses shares some of his knowledge with his companions.
"That's a House Orien courier he is. When a House Sivis sending station receives a message then the sender can choose to pay extra and have the message delivered by hand at the other end. For real urgencies."
Avalons speech gets the attention of the young courier and he wanders over.
"Begging your pardon but I'm looking for Avalon d'Jorasco. Would that be you sir?"
"Er....yes, I'm Avalon." Says Avalon, showing his House ring and activating its magical aura do demonstrate its authenticity.
"Message for you then sir." The messenger says, handing over a sealed letter. He then turns and leaves promptly. With curious looks from all his companions, Avalon breaks the seal, opens the letter and reads it aloud.
"It is with the greatest pleasure that I would like to invite Avalon d'Jorasco and his companions to high tea and pleasantries, to discuss matters of observance and fellowship."
"Please attend the Silver Spoon Inn at midday today. I will have a private room reserved for our comfort."
"Sincerely, Alestro Tharashk"
"Wow, this is my first invitation to a formal event. It's from a member of a Dragonmarked house too. Tharashk is the House of Finding. Not the most powerful of houses, but it's a start. Well, I'm going, who's coming with me?"
There are murmurs of ascent all round except from Vaelas.
"Well I guess that I’ll stay here then to see if our mysterious contact tries to make contact as the drunk suggested they would."
The others exchange a few bashful looks but soon get over it and return to their inn rooms to clean their clothes and brush their hair. Within the hour four well groomed and de-fleaed individuals are walking into the Silver Spoon Inn.
A serving maid greets them at the door, takes their drink requests and shows them to the room reserved for them. They are impressed with the luxurious decor of the room and the comfort of the lounging chairs, but disappointed to see that it is unoccupied. They settle down with their drinks to wait.
Back at Horn Blowers Inn, a familiar looking flower seller enters, buys a drink, and sits down opposite Vaelas. She leans back on her chair, puts her feet on the table and fixes Vaelas with a stare before finally speaking to him.
"You know, I think that you were meant to go with your companions to the meeting. My contract has been completed this morning, so I assume that someone else delivered the final details of where my employer wanted to meet you."
Vaelas sighs and relaxes a little. The flower seller introduces herself as "Pook" and confirms that she is indeed a changeling. She makes small talk with the elf for over an hour and flirts with him several times.
Meanwhile back at the Silver Spoon inn, the door opens, in steps cloaked figure. The clink of chain mail can be heard beneath cloak. The figure faces party and pulls back hood of cloak to reveal...